
Grecca Interview A Step Into the Ancient



Some people may hear these things like raiding someones village and taking things out of their house and think the game experience will just be one series of abuses after another. Fear not. For all the ruthlermtss, the purpose of this game is for you to have fun; by "you", I mean everyone from the hardcore PvP'er to the pacifist who just wants to make sandals for everyone. All of these systems are designed carefully and reasonably. The world will be harsh, but it will also be fair.。


OnRPG: Can you tell us about the "faction" system? How will this be used to benefit players?
The faction sysrmtts possibly one of the most complex elements of the game. When you say "faction" you could be talking about anything from what culture your character belongs to down to what family you're from, and everything in between. Each type of faction behaves very differently and has radically different goals. Unfortunately the details are beyond the scope of something I could explain in an interview, but there is aslightly more adequate description on the site.。






We have a fantastic artist on the team creating hand drawn, completely modular 2d sprites. She puts a lot of care into everythihe draws and is constantly revising and improving existing assets. Artistically speaking, the game is in the best hands anyone could hope for. That's my opinion, anyway.。

OnRPG: Thank you very much for your time!
Thank you. :)。

As for a story; no, actually. This may sound strange, but what we've found over years ofying MMORPG's is that the drama and conflict that happens between the players is far more involving and relevant than whatever artificial plot the developers tack on to give the world context. Don't get me wrong, the world will be full of conflict, intrigue and drama - but it will be on the players terms. What we're providing is a setting and game mechanics. As for the experience itself, that's up to you guys.。

OnRPG: Are there any events that you guys plan to let the community join in on?
The community will be welcome to join in on any events that we host. Ununately, I don't have any details on this for the time being. Sorry for the somewhat lackluster answer.。

OnRPG: What types of weapons, armor, and items will be prominent within the game?
Well, in terms of variety there's swords, axes, maces, spears, bows and thrown weapons in addition to shields and various other ellaneous combat tools. In regards to authenticity, the weapons and equipment of each culture will stylistically reflect the theme of that culture. This seems like a good spot to mention another huge difference between Grecca and a lot of contemporary MMORPGs. Equipment (meaning weapons, armour, clothes, supplies, etc.) is transient in Grecca. What I mean by that is just because you acquire a sword doesn't mean that sword is yours forever. It just means you're currently the one in possession of it. If you fall in battle, your enemy will probably loot that sword, along with any other valuables they have time (and space) to make off with.。

OnRPG: What future updates or expansions does your development team plan to add to the game?
Well, our first priority is to get the game playable as soon as possible. Once that's done, we're gonna work on adding the other three cultures as well as fleshing out someer important aspects of the game.。


It's important to understand that in Grecca, it is possible (if very unlikely) for a brand new character to defeat a grizzled veteran of many battles. This is because combat relies heavily on your own skills and instincts as a player rather than your characters stats. That's not to say thour stats and equipment don't matter, because they do. It's just that their effect is more subtle than is the case in most games.。

OnRPG: In conclusion, why should readers visit www.grecca.net right now?
We periodically post news of progress that the project makes as well as upcoming dates and timer tests or demos. Also, anyone is free to socialize or ask questions to the Dev Team on the forum.。


OnRPG: Is there an economic sector to the game? Will players be able to craft and sell items; is there any differentiation between the common econin MMOs and Grecca?
Crafting and trading is a huge factor. E item in the game is created by players, and no one player will have enough skills to makeeverythingthey could ever possiblyd by themselves. Unlike many MMO's, we don't plan to place any sort of restrictions on players abilities to trade between themselves. In terms of economy, money is entirely optional. It has to be created like any other item, and it's only worth what someone is willing to trade for it. In this way, the value of money will vary greatly depending upon the social context in which it exists. It's worth noting that money is specific to the city that it's created for, and may or may not have value to other cities and cultures. Also, only the ruling faction of a city can create money.。





OnRSince this game works on realistic terms, will new players be sheltered in some fashion until they can stand on their own two feet, or will they be left to fend for themselves like everyone else?
There will be some sort of system for protecting brand new players for a very shorriod of time. The more important factor is that it is insomeone'sbest interest to take that new player and mentor them, because they may not have all the fancy skills and gear that you do, but next week they might be watching your back, or defending your town from a raid while you're logged off. There's no way to over emphasize how critical teamwork is to success and surv.。


Grecca Interview: A Step Into the Ancient World
Questions by Bryan King (Bryan), OnRPG Journalist
Answered by Gren。

OnRPG: Also, please give us details about the cultures within the game?
We have four cultures planned. They are Grecca (the first culture to be added and also the games namesake,) which corresponds to ancient Greece. The next culture to be added will be the Crescent Empire, which corresponds to the ancient Persian Empire. Then we'll add Valle,ch are a mix of celtic/gallic/germanic/norse inspired barbarians from a cold and harsh mountainous region. The last culture to be added will be Pandora, which will be the equivalent of ancient Rome. Each of these cultures will be stylistically distinct. What we're aiming to deliver is thethemeof each culture. You will instantly be able to tell the difference between a Greccan settlement or a village of e raiders.。


Also, for the last few months we've been hosting occasional demos on the weekends just so people can get in game and get a for the combat system and so on. There will probably be a few more of these before alpha. Any registered member of the forums is welcome to join us for those demos. We'll usually post details a few days in advance under the Alpha Testers section of the forum (must be logged in to access that section).。




OnRPG: Alright, first things first. When and wheres this game take place? Is there a storyline involved?
The game takes place in a world very much like our own, the way it would have been between two and three thousand years ago. All the cultures and regions in the game correspond to some sort of historical equivalent. The reason for this is that we want to be able to delivee style and theme of that time and place without players feeling like they're in for a history lesson.。

In terms of atmosphere, the game will feature day/night cycles, weather and seasons. Also, areas of the womap considered "wilderness" (anywhere without someone living on it) will generate randomly every so often, so that players aren't visiting the same exact places for the same reasons day after day.。

Grecca combat


With that said, it's not a free for all. Before you can raid a village, you have to defeat any players willing to defend it. Once that's done, any remaining villagers can still attempt to resisu in the village itself. There's a system in place to balance it all out. It's not like the first time you get successfully raided you'll lose the whole town, but it's definitely not a nominal outcome by any means.。

Mining ore



OnRPG:  How do players work to survive in the world of Grecca, whether it be battling or using resources, how do prs work to keep from death?
Well, the important thing is that survival is your responsibility. At the bare minimum that means you need food, shelter and clothing. But it's not that simple; where are you gonna get these things? How are you going to defend yourself while you're out hunting/foraging/mining etc. for them? And what if (see: when) some other town gets desperate and decides to raid your village for resources they can't get on their own. Even if you're a pacifist berry picker, you might find yourself being chased around your own house ostile players.。


OnRPG: The setting in this game this game must give your development tan advantage in development, are there any parts of the game world that players will see here that they won't be able to see anywhere else?
Well, antiquity is one of thee interesting times in our own world's history, and it's sadly under represented by games today. When it is represented, it's usually done in a gimmicky sort of way that exploits a few bullet points of the culture such as the pantheon or what have you, and never really gives you anything in which to immerse yourself.。


OnRPG: What features differentiate Grecca from other MMOs?
First of all, Grecca is all about the competitive experience. I know a lot of games out there tout this same thing, but it's not the same. Every aspect of the game is geared toward competition. Even if your character spends their whole life picking berries or mining ore and never even equips a weapon, he/she is still part of an overall war effort against the world around you. Every little bit of progress you make helps your village, your guild, your clan, oat have you. Grecca also features a real time combat system. I realize we're not the first to tout that either, but you can count on getting a PvP experience where your instincts and your reflexes will count for more than how much grinding you've done or how you've built your character.。


OnRPG: Hello Gren, please give readers a brief introduction about yourself.
We're a small team of game enthusiasts who have been working on this project for several years. The lead members of the team consist of myself, Merlin (our Lead Programmer) and Arus (our Lead Artist). Basically we set out to make the kind of game that we wanted to play, because it didn't seem like anyone else was plan on doing it.。

Every man-made object in Grecca is made by a player. If it's not, it doesn't exist. You never find a town that players did not build. You will never find a sword that wasn't forged by a player from ore someone had to mine. You will never wear clothes that didn't used to be some other critter's skin. Also, the resources these items come from do not grow on trees (well, I guess fruit grows on trees actually), so you can imagine how that will inform the competitive aspect of the game when two villages who've never met each other before suddenly find out they're both relying on the same region for mining and there's not enough ore for everyone.。



In addition to the aesthetic variety, there are very significant differences in how each culture works in terms of influence and control. Remember, we're not governing the factions in this game. That's the player's job. What we're providing are the tools and functionality for governing, ways to gain and lose influence, ways to use influence once you have it. These will vary drastically depending on what culture you belong to. For example, the Greccan culture is an early democracy, so struggles for influence over cities andon will have a lot to do with debates, laws (which can change depending on who's in charge), and the peoples votes. By contrast, Valle is a brutal warrior society who gain or lose influence based on ritualistic dueling or all out blood feuds; it doesn't matter how well you argue in Valle, the strongest and most brutal will end up in charge.。



Grecca is an online roleplaying game based on a fictional variant of our own ancient world. The game has yet to be released, but shows potential as an MMO with heavy emphasis on PvP, building factions, and fighting for your own survival from the time you log on. Today, I had the chance to speak with Gren, the Lead Designer for Grecca.。



Ancient setting, forging weapons

OnRPG: Will character progression be a major role? How will players feel like they're getting somewherethe game?
Character progression plays a significant role in the game, but it's not the player's only goal. We want players to have a solid "end game", and by that I meanwant you to have plenty to work toward even if your character is completely maxed out.。


OnRPG: Will players be able to create their own true persona? How is customization a part of the game?
If we want players to immerse they have to have a character that means something to them, and aesthetics are a big part of that. From the very beginning you will be able to customize the following: skin color, eye color, hair color, hair style, facial hairle. Once you're in the game itself, your character can accumulate tattoos, scars and piercings as well. This is all in addition to your clothing and equipment, which obviously changes your appearance.。



That might seem overly harsh, but you can always make new equipment or find someone to help you make it. You can also store extra equipment in your dwelling for just such an occasion. Make no mistake. Everyone will get KO'd, everyone will get lootet's an experience that will be common to all players at some point or another. Also, equipment is not everything. The difference between a good sword and a crappy sword is fairly subtle. Don't get me wrong. There's definitely a difference, but it's no substitute for skill.。

OnRPG: Do you have any other comments to add?
Thanks to everyone with an interest in this project. We hope to see you soon.。

Because it takes place in the ancientworld, we're talking about the moment in history when notribes are starting to come together and form villages, towns and cities. It's a very raw struggle of man vs. the chaos and uncertainty of the world around him. We're reflecting that through the game mechanics. Every piece of civilization you find in the world will be there because another player (or group of players) put it there.。

However, I can say that the most important type of faction for new players will probably be their village/town/city. These are other players who you (hopefully) mutually rely on for survival. Players from the same town aren't just expected to cooperate because they happen to have spawned in the same place; factors like common enemies and safety in num make team work a necessity. Not that you can't be a lone wolf if you really want to, but one should expect a rough ride.。

OnRPG: What visual elements are utilized to bring to life the setting, while pleasing players?
As a team we have a great fondness for the 2d classics that made us love video games in the first place. These daysmeone sees a 2d game and their first instinct is to assume it's a cell phone or a browser game, and I think that's unfortunate. There's a lot you can accomplish in terms of precision in 2d games.。

OnRPG: When can we plan to see an open beta or a full release? Do you guys have any testing stages open for players to join right
We're actually planning on conducting an open alpha test sometime in the next few weeks. As for the beta and actual release, wpe to be in beta by mid-summer and have the product ready by the end of summer. Grecca will be free to play.。



Mini Fighter Tour Intimiate Look At All T

5. NPCs are spread out across the grmtaNot all cities have the same NPCs. You have to go to another city if the current one does not have the correct NPC. Why was this done? 
Answer: This was intended to help users get together. NPCs can be divided into two large groups: functional NPCs, which are placed in most villages, and community NPCs, which connect to Quiz Zone and Sky Zone, and are placed on larger maps. This was planrmtnn advance by the game development team in order to help users get together in specific locations and form a community. 。



Beating Shirukya

6. Could you briefly explain the card enchanting process? 
Answer: In Global Mini Fighter, users can fuse cards up to 10 levels, collect three cards of the same tier, and take them to Miew - the enchant NPC. She will merge the cards together into one card of a higher level. There are two ways to fuse the cards, but combining three cards of the same character has a slightly higher success rate than combining three cards with different characters. Each character card can be upgraded using an enchant item of the same tier. Character cards will be updated to overlevels depending on the extent of their distribution among the players. For further information, please click on the link below. 。


Althoughave covered the main features this game has to offer, there are many more for you to discover. The team that led me through the tour was very nice, helpful and informative. Please be sure to give this game a try. It is not like your average grinder, skill actually matters in PvP.。

- PvP is about player skill, not levels.
- Many things to do other than grinding.
- GM team listens to players.
- Unique gameplay (from other MMOs)
- Easy to learn, hard to master.。


To make sure that you can efficiently defeat monsters, there is a Fusion and Enchant system. This system is pretty simple and can be used to upgrade items and cards. The power of ccter cards is displayed with their stars. You can mix three of the same character cards with the same amount of stars for a chance to get one higher leveled card. Alternatively you can mix three different character cards with the same amount of stars and you will receive a random character with a random amount of stars.。



Afterwards, we moved on to the quiz system. This is one of the many mini games offered in Mini Fighter. All of them are a good way to entertain yourself if you don't feel like fighting. In the quiz game you are asked tions. They are all multiple choice but quite hard. You are required to move onto a platform according to what your choice is. This quiz can be done with many people at once and if you answer the question correctly, you will be rewarded with EXP and Mifa!。


Yes, I am that fire guy.。


Finally, we stopped by the boss zone. I had never tried this mode before the tour so I really enjoyed the chance to see it. Basically, you buy a potion from an NPC, which allows you to transform into a powerful boss monster. There are various potions at different prices thatture stronger bosses. I went for the strongest boss and went head to head with the team! The boss receives EXP by killing players and once the boss has been taken down, players receive Mifa as drops.。

I logged in and went to the meeting spot to be greeted by the team. Since the meeting spot was the fishing zone, we decided to begin learning about fishing. The fishing system in Mini Fighter is pretty simple. You can buy various fishing rods from the NPC. Afterwards, you simply double click on your rod to begin fishing. There are two methods to fish, auto and manual. Both speak for themselves, auto fishing allows your character to fish even if you are away while manual requires user input. Since manual fishing requires you to be at your computer, as a higher chance to catch fish. This simple yet handy system allows users to gain some Mifa, which is the ingame currency or a random item while they are not playing.。

Note: Just recently a new server was added! Great job listening to your players!。




There is a system called 'Netmarblers' in the GlobalNetmarble.com website that is in charge of giving out awards for different categories through community activities and ranking charts. Our very owmmunity managers are trying their best to weed out abusive users in advance. We will do our best to establish a fairer ranking system. 。

4. The ranking system works by measuring the level of a player and their win/loss ratio. This could be abused by players trading wins with friends or they can make themselves an alternate account. What is the plan to pre cheating the ranking system? 
Answer: The ranking system is experiencing unforeseen abuse by users who are able to raise their win rates by using shortcuts. These users may have great rates but this does not prove their skill. The development team is planning ways to prevent this abuse with additionachnical support, while at the same time looking for ways to make the ranking system more just. 。





Another thing you can do when you don't feel like running dungeons is a visit to the Coliseum. This is a 20 v 20 arena where teams compete to reach 50 knock obefore the other team. At the bottom of all the platforms are boss monsters for each team. If your boss is killed, the opposing team is granted 10KOs! Be sure to protect your boss!。

OnRPG was given an exclusive tour of the soon to come Castle Siege. It is basically a guild versus guild area. Eahannel has four castles, which will be open at a special time that has yet to be decided. The game works like a traditional capture the flag game. The guild that comes out as the victor will receive double exp for twenty-four hours!。



Mini Fighter Tour: Intimiate Look At All The Features
By Mohammad Abubakr, OnRPG Journalist。


I was lucky enough to be given a tour by the Mini Fighter team. They took me through all the main features of the game. This article is written according to the order of the tour. Continue reading to l more!。

Talking about grinding, we got to take a look at one of the dungeons in this game; the Shirukya Dungeon. The aims of all dungeons are pretty simple. Go in alone or with party and kill all enemies until you defeat the boss. At the end you are awarded with EXP and Mifa with a chance to select one out of three hidden cards, which can award you with items such as upgraded equipment!。

Going up against the team!

Mini Fighter is a free to play MMO. The game plays much like an arcade fighter such as Street Fighter. There are various characters you can select each with their own play styles and moves. You are given one character card of your choice when beginning the game. These are the required to play characters and can be obtained later on by playing mini games, running dungeons and more. This game is easy to learn but hard to master. Levels do not matter in PvP so it is all about the s of the player!。

Before this tour, I had been working with the Mini Fighter community to come up with questions that they wanted ered. The Mini Fighter team was very nice has replied to all your questions!。

- Connections are Peer to Peer meaningg distance players will lag. (A new server was added recently, slowly all lag will vanish)
- Not much customization
- appearance changes with cash shop clothing. 。


1. Players are confused as to why Korean Mini Fighter players are allowed into the UMC. They are experienplayers and some believe this is not fair for the players in Netmarble's version. Can you explain why this was done? 
Answer: Aside from a few countries that have their own Mini Fighter server, the game is open to all users all around the world. The Korean users who took part in the latest UMC had access to the game outside of Korea, which is why they were allowed to participate. The same poes will apply to UMCs in the future: if a user from a country with the Mini Fighter service gains access from a third country, he/she will be entitled to attend the UMC. 。



Next, we visited the Grand Arena. The Grand Arena is the built in tournament system which features ladder type matches. This means winner goes on to face the other winners until there is only one victor. The Grand Arena opens every two hours and stays open for an hour. That is good for about threunds. Before the tournament starts, sixteen players are required to sign up.。



Once I had tried out the Arcade, we moon to one of my favorite features of this game; the battle room. The battle room is used to allow you to compete against other players in 14 different types of mini games. These can range from playing soccer, fighting head to head in a death match or having a jump contest where the player to reach the top first wins. This allows players to have something else to do once they are bored of grinding. At the end of each one of the games you select one of three cards where you can win items like a character card! Best of all, character levels do not matter in the battle room! It is all about skill.。





The upcoming Castle Siege


Fusion system: http://global.netmarble.com/minifighter/Guides/RetrieveEnchanting.asp。






We also took a look at the Theatre. In the Theatre you can see background stories of all characters. After the Theatre came the Training Academy. As the name suggests, you can use the area to train. You can practice against NPCs to master all your combos. There is also the Arcade where you can fight NPCs of various difficulties. This allows you to try out all characters without needing the character s!。


2. There are some connection problems with some players right now. Mostthe game runs fine, but some players tend to skip across the screen. Players from around the world are allowed to play and according to the community this is what causes the lag. Will there be an IP block in future? 
Answer: Mini Fighter is a P2P game. Netmarble.com and the developers of this game recognize that this lag is causing discomfort to other users and do the best to solve the problem. The main reason for the lag is the long-distance connection. In our efforts to improve the game environment, Netmarble.com will increase the number of regional servers starting in Feby of this year. 。


3. Many players are looking forward to playing more games by Netmarble. Can we expect any new games to come out soon? Could we get some inftion on release dates? :) 
Answer: Unfortunately, we don't have any information about additional release daat this time. 。



Chad Muska -- Hurls 'N' Word During Gnarl

Pro skating legend Chad Muska was arrested for allegedly vandalizing two buildings last night in Hollywood -- and repeatedly dropped the "N" word on the security guards who nabbed him. Muska was first detained by security at the Roosevelt Hotel around 2AM. Law enforcement sources tell us Muska was seen spray painting his name on a nearby Coffee Bean.While security guards waited for LAPD officers to arrive -- Muska demanded the guards let him go, and called them "ni**as" several times ... including one instance in which he said, "Fu** all these ni**as right here."LAPD eventually showed up and arrested and booked Muska for felony vandalism -- and our sources say Muska had tagging materials on him when he was arrested.We got shots of Muska's alleged handiwork at the coffee shop -- "Muska"' -- and also at Hollywood's El Capitan Theater ... "Muska kills."Muska's being held on $20,000 bail.


The band Kings of Leon has not only scheduled a make-up concert for their Houston show that was canceled completely last night, but they are also going back to Dallas to make up the show that ended abruptly on Friday ... TMZ has learned.KOL will play in Dallas on September 21 and in Houston on September 22. Tickets for the previous shows will be honored, and refunds will be honored for fans who cannot make the new dates. This all stems from a battle with the heat for lead singer Caleb Followill. On Friday, a show at the Gexa Energy Pavilion in Dallas was cut short after lead Followill complained the heat was messing with his voice. He left the stage ... never to return.The band then canceled a show scheduled for last night at the Woodlands Pavilion, located just outside Houston.UPDATE: Kings of Leon is cancelling their entire U.S. tour

The Gagosian Gallery says celebrated Amer

ROME — The Gagosian Gallery says celebrated American artist Cy Twombly has died at age 83.

Murdoch Assailant Warned Thousands Before

The man who attempted to pie Rupert Murdoch in Parliament warned thousands of people before his attack -- posting a cryptic message to his Twitter account just minutes before it went down.While sitting inside Parliament, Jonathan May-Bowles -- aka Jonnie Marbles -- wrote, "It is a far better thing that I do now than I have ever done before #splat." (So, in addition to pie terrorism, he's a Dickens fan) And that was just the latest message ... before the final send-off, May-Bowles -- whose Twitter account has nearly 10,000 followers -- repeatedly mocked Murdoch from inside Parliament, writing, "Rupert Murdoch appears to be going senile #hackgate."He continued, "I'm actually in this committee and can confirm: Murdoch is Mr. Burns."May-Bowles -- who posted the following politically-charged video to his YouTube account last year -- is currently being detained by British police.


Mueller Headed South of Border For Extrem

Brooke Mueller is going to Mexico to ingest a bunch of hallucionogens -- but not for fun -- to break her addictions.Sources connected to Brooke tell TMZ ... Brooke is going to a treatment facility in Cancun that specializes in prescribing a drug that is not legal in the U.S. It's called Ibogaine, a substance extracted from an iboga plant. Some studies show it interrupts addictions to alcohol, cocaine, methadone and heroin.  Brooke is saying the program is seven days and it's "extreme," but she's confident it will "rewire" her brain to break her addictions.  Brooke has been hospitalized since her confrontation Thursday on a United jet bound for Cancun. We're told she'll make the trip when she's released from the hospital.

Ricky Romance Man-Slapping Bouncer Broke

Ricky Romance claims he SHATTERED a bone in his foot after a giant Hollywood bouncer violently he-slapped Ricky to the ground last month -- and TMZ has obtained an X-ray of the fracture.Ricky tells us ... his foot had been killing him non-stop since the fight outside Playhouse on June 26th -- but he didn't get it checked out until last week ... when the swelling got severe.Ricky says doctors informed him he had broken one of the bones in the middle of his foot -- known as metatarsal bones -- and gave him crutches to hobble around on.Ricky says he's thinking about suing the bouncer. TMZ placed calls to the club in an effort to get a comment from the bouncer -- so far, no response.

Hulk Hogan Andre the Giant Checked My Oi

The questionable "Checking the Oil" wrestling move is NOT A MYTH ... so says Hulk Hogan -- who tells TMZ he was once on the wrong end of the violating technique from 7'4" Andre the Giant!!!Hulk's story backs up the claim made by TMZ's Mike Walters -- that wrestlers will press a finger on the bottom end of an opponent in an effort to throw them off their game ... aka "Checking the Oil."According to Hulk, who was at LAX yesterday, Andre would oil-check people "all the time" -- and the worst part about it ... HIS FINGERS WERE HUGE!!!


'Grease' Star Jeff Conaway -- D

5/27/2011 11:13 AM PDTby TMZ Staff "Grease" star Jeff Conaway has died today ... several weeks after he was found unconscious in his L.A. area home ... TMZ has confirmed with the actor's family. Conaway -- a notorious substance abuser -- had reportedly fallen into a coma after suffering an overdose earlier this month ... and doctors were not able to revive him. Jeff's inner struggles became public when he appeared on "Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew" in 2008 and admitted to being addicted to cocaine, alcohol and painkillers. Conaway -- who played Kenickie during the 1978 film "Grease" -- was 60 years old.

Gloria Allred at Gay Parade -- Man, Oh Ma

6/14/2010 4:32 AM PDTby TMZ Staff Gloria Allred was twice the woman she usually is ... and all it took was a little help from a dude. Allred and her Colonel Sanders chic doppleganger (right) hit the Gay Pride Parade in West Hollywood this weekend.

Audrina's On Again Off Again BF -- A

5/15/2011 12:00 PM PDTby TMZ Staff BMX rider Corey Bohan -- who moonlights as Audrina Patridge's sometimes boyfriend -- was arrested on Friday for public intoxication ... TMZ has learned.Bohan was busted by Hermosa Beach PD early Friday morning. He was charged with the misdemeanor, spent about eight hours in jail, posted $500 bail and was released.Bohan had a very public breakup with Patridge in March (the two traded barbs via Twitter) but word is they are now back together. Worth noting ... Audrina tweeted that day, "I absolutely hate what jack Daniels does to people:( jack is a bad bad man!!!"


NFL Legend Warrick Dunn -- I'm No Gu

5/27/2011 11:20 AM PDTby TMZ Staff Former Atlanta Falcons running back Warrick Dunn says he feels "violated" -- after cops pulled him over outside ATL and told him he had the characteristics of someone "transporting drugs and guns."36-year-old Dunn says cops told him they pulled him over because his tinted windows were "too dark" ... but Dunn insinuates he was racially profiled. During the stop, Dunn -- who is black -- says 4 white officers targeted him with "a lot of personal questions" and told him "I had the characteristics of people transporting drugs & guns."Dunn says the cops searched his car and gave him a warning for the tint. After the incident, the 3-time Pro Bowler went to his Facebook page and said, "Felt violated and I've had my car since '08, nvr been pulled ovr for tint. Taken back bc I think the reasoning was bad. Ruined my day but not my spirit."UPDATE: Dunn's rep tells us Warrick was frustrated after the incident -- and after cops explained that he was traveling through a high-crime area ... he understood the officers were just trying to do their job. Warrick, through his rep, tells TMZ ... "As the son of a hard working police officer, I understand the stress that police officers are under."Dunn adds, "The real lesson in all this is that Twitter is a powerful tool but what happened to me is the same thing that  happens to a lot of people every day. I’ll take care of it through the appropriate channels just like everyone else has to."

Shaq -- I'm RETIRING

6/1/2011 12:03 PM PDTby TMZ Staff After 19 years in the NBA, Shaquille O'Neal is officially retiring ... and he made the announcement on a video he posted through his Twitter page. In his video, Shaq says ... "We did it. Nineteen years baby. I want to thank you very much, that's why I'm telling you first, I'm about to retire. Love you, talk to you soon."O'Neal has too many basketball accomplishments to list on this website ... so here's a link to the time he spoke to TMZ cameras in Hebrew.

Air Guitar Championships -- Shredding wit

6/16/2011 8:40 AM PDTby TMZ Staff The greatest pretend musicians in all the land gathered in NYC yesterday for the 2011 Air Guitar Championships -- and what they lacked in instruments, they made up for in CRAZY!!!! With classic power moves like the famous drop to the knees, teeth picking and even the behind the back -- it's obvious why these imaginary shredders made it to the top!For those about to rock...


Sean Kingston -- Hospital Visit from Serena Williams

5/31/2011 6:56 AM PDTby TMZ Staff Tennis great Serena Williams went to Jackson Memorial Hospital in Florida yesterday to visit her good friend Sean Kingston ... who's still recovering from a devastating jet skiing accident this weekend. Clearly affected by the incident, Serena went to her Twitter page and posted, "I am thankful that I have today. Tomorrow is not promised to any of us. I'm gonna make every day the best I can. #loveuSeankingston."

Faith Evans Charged with DUI

9/3/2010 7:20 PM PDTby TMZ Staff Faith Evans -- a singer once married to The Notorious B.I.G. -- has been charged with two counts of DUI ... TMZ has learned. The L.A. City Attorney filed the case.  If convicted, Evans faces a max of 6 months in jail.As we first reported, Faith was arrested on August 21 at a DUI checkpoint near the Marina Del Rey section of L.A.

Leslie Nielsen -- One Final Fart Joke

6/2/2011 10:40 AM PDTby TMZ Staff Here lies the late, great Leslie Nielsen in Evergreen Cemetery in Fort Lauderdale, FL ... where the "Airplane" star was immortalized on his gravestone with the exact fart-inspired epitaph he requested years before his death. RIP. Thanks to our friends at Sun-Sentinel.com for the pic.

Base Zodiac Review Slow Pace and Generic

What we have in Base Zodiac is a game that puts you in the position of an owner of a planet chock full or resources that are ripe for the picking. As its owner, it is your responsibility to develop your planet to eventually grow your area of influence and get more planets to establish your empire. With that said, you can see that the game is one among dozens of space themed browser games. You rule, strategize and eventually conquer the weak in this repackaged browser game.。



Base Zodiac is a game that you can play while working on something else as the game literally takes time to play, being able to multi-task while playing is a redeeming quality because you can make the game a distraction while working without using much of your computers resources. On the other hand, if you are the kind of player that is practically glued to your chair and is itching for action, the game definitely kills your adrenaline rush.。



- The interface sidebar is cluttered
- The background would affect how much the game looks like
- Gameplay is as generic as they come.。

Base Zodiac is like any other resource-centric browser-based game. It has everything a game of this genre has and with that said Base Zodiac doesn't provide anything new added to gameplay. The lack of anything new or innovative in Base Zodiac is one of the things that makes me think twice about playing the game. Furthermore I encountered a problem with the private messaging system when I received a message. I was able to see that I had a message sent to me but I never got to read it. I have no idea if its part of the system or if it was just a rare case, but it did happen. Even with this flaw, I still say there are still enough merits for the game to make it playable. The one best merit for it would be that you can play the game anywhere. It doesn't take resources from your computer. Plus, with your actions limited to real time you won't have the reason to keep on looking at the game every minute or so.。

Base Zodiac Review: Slow Pace and Generic
By Vincent Haoson (Vincenthaoson), OnRPG Journalist。

Base Zodiac's actions are dictated by time, unlike turn based browser games, which use action points as their way of limiting a players action. This means that there can be a lull period before you get to witness the action you wanted your fleet to take. The use of time as the limiting factor for a players action is a double edged sword. It can either make the game boring because you have to wait for a certain period of time to elapse before you get to see some action or it can be good that there is a lull because you get to do something else before anything new happens.。


In Base Zodiac, developing your planet means developing its technology, structures and even creating new units. This concept of owning a planet and mining it for what's it worth is the typical path games of this genre take and Base Zodiac is exactly like that. However, the game does at least provide you some .gif images that can move, call it a redeeming quality since it does get tiring playing text games of this type.。

The title of the game and its tagline usually tell you the type of gameplay you should expect from said game. However, Base Zodiac is one of those games where the title means very little in respect to what the game is supposed to be.。

When in games like this resource gathering is one of the most important actions you must do and Base Zodiac has four resources which you need to gather. The way you gather the resource is not much of a surprise, especially if you have already played games like this. Nothing new is added to the gathering formula, all you need to do is create the structure and let it harvest for you. Making upgrades to the gathering structures reward you with higher resource turnouts.。

The game is basically point and click. Everything is done through your mouse. You won't use any keyboard controls, unless it's pressing F5 to refresh. The simplicity of the game controls adds to its charm as something of a semi-attention getting browser game. Of course the downside of this game is that it lacks enough encouragement for hardcore players.。



- The game is heavy graphically
- There are no jargons in the game therefore you can understand and play the game on the onset
- The game's graphics are not static and provides a little change from the usual space browser games you play.。


Base Zodiac is a game that has a really slow pace therefore I strongly suggest if you are one of the hot-blooded players who want instantaneous action then you better veer away from this game. However if you are someone looking for a little distraction for work then this game is for you. Don't let the lack of anything innovative hinder you from trying it, Base Zodiac is a solid browser game through and through.。




Base Zodiac has its own Wiki page set up but it's not really as full as you'd expect. Plus there are images in the main page that are taken from other games. I really have to mention the Wiki page for Base Zodiac because it carries a lot of the bulk of the gameplay information. The FAQ and the in-game help guide only provides a portion of what you need to learn to be an effective "ruler" therefore the reliance on the game's Wiki page.。




R.O.S.E. Online

Weeell.... this game has finally been released. Most gleefull I am, and so, here comes one of dem rare reviews by noah! Let's get started.

Graphics (7/10): The graphics are pretty nice in my opinion. Of course they can't compete with the larger more popular games like WoW but for a downloadable game, they are pretty good.

Gameplay (6/10): The gmaeplays not a strong-point here. Its ok to say the least. Of course, the game has barely even been released so there are plenty of bugs, but the actual system itself seems mediocre. Moving and attacking is issued by clicking, much like any other mmorpg.

Community (8/10): I expected to be completely ignored by everyone in-game but I was surprised to meet quite a few nice people. For a game just barely out, there is an abundance of people all over, so finding someone to adventure with is never hard.

Sound (3/10): Nothing too special. Typical sound effects for attacking or using an item. The music is your typical gravity sound track.

Overall (7/10): I'm really enjoying this game quite a bit. It has its ups and downs but if your looking for something quick to try out, this is the game for you. See you online =)

January Jones vs. Diane Kruger Who'd You Rather

2/19/2011 5:25 AM PSTbyJohnny Lopez Blonde actresses January Jones, 33, and Diane Kruger, 34, both showed up to the premiere of their new flick "Unknown" in L.A. on Wednesday.Question is ...

Kim K.'s Ring -- Costs Way Too Much Booty

5/25/2011 5:30 PM PDTby TMZ Staff Kim Kardashian's $2 million engagement ring may not be a complete waste of money -- since it finally united the TMZ newsroom in agreement ... that it was a complete waste of money.Check out TMZ on TV -- click here to see your local listings!

Rihanna -- The Sex Shop Shopping Spree

3/3/2011 10:00 PM PSTby TMZ Staff Rihanna didn't just browse through a sex shop down under (we mean Australia) -- she left with TWO BAGS full of sexy stuff! Dying to know what was in her bags? Yeah ... us too.Check out TMZ on TV -- click here to see your local listings!

Cheryl Cole's Accent -- Too Thick for 'X-Factor'

5/25/2011 4:20 PM PDTby TMZ Staff Cheryl Cole was dropped from the judging panel on "X-Factor" largely because producers were  concerned her English accent would be too difficult for an American audience to understand ... sources close to the production tell TMZ. .There were other issues too -- we're told Cheryl and fellow judge Paula Abdul had a "lack of chemistry" ... and Cheryl was more expendable.Producers now want Cheryl to return to the UK version of the show -- but according to sources, Cheryl's royally pissed over how this situation was handled ... and may sever ties with "X-Factor" entirely.Steve Jones will now be the only host on the show -- which debuts in September -- since Nicole Scherzinger will be filling Cheryl's seat on the judging panel.Calls to Simon Cowell still haven't been returned.


Cristiano Ronaldo What the Elle

9/12/2008 11:09 AM PDTby TMZ Staff Supermodel Elle Macpherson (right) is so hot everyone wants to look like her -- even over-moussed soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo (left).Euro Greasy stepped out wearing an adorable red sweater/shirt ensemble. If only it came in men's.

Aero Assault -- Perry Shoves Steven Tyler Off Stage

8/18/2010 1:06 PM PDTby TMZ Staff TMZ has obtained video ... showing Aerosmith guitarist Joe Perry hip-checking Steven Tyler off the stage and into a crowd at a concert in Toronto last night ... and it didn't look like no accident. It all went down during a performance of "Love in an Elevator" -- first, Steven playfully bumped Perry ... and then Perry retaliated bumping Tyler right back ... sending him face first into the crowd. Tyler eventually got up -- with some help from Joe -- and then announced, "It ain't gonna happen again, baby."As you may have heard -- the band has had some issues lately ... in fact Tyler told us the band "damn near" split earlier this year.

Plaxico's Final Prison Meal -- Sowing His Oats

6/4/2011 12:40 AM PDTby TMZ Staff Former NY Giants star Plaxico Burress has less than a week left in the slammer -- and now, we know what he can look forward to for his final meal behind bars ... one oatmeal-filled BREAKFAST!!!And that's not it ... we're told Plaxico will also chow down on toast, milk, coffee, and apple juice the morning of June 6 -- when he's scheduled to be released from state prison in New York.As we previously reported, Plaxico was sentenced to two years in prison back in 2009 for criminal possession of a weapon -- after the ex-NFL star shot himself in the leg at a nightclub.Time flies when you're having fun.


Almost exactly 4 years on, id's Rage is 'basically done'

Almost four years to the day after id's apocalyptic shooter Rage was first announced, the developer's said the game is finally "basically done". The news comes via the latest issue of Xbox World 360 magazine, in which creative director Tim Willits admits the Doom developer is excited to be on the cusp of releasing "the best game"."The game is basically done," he said. "It's going to be available this fall so we are in the polish and refinement stage which is a great place to be. Now we have all the content done and played through the game and got a real sense for it."I'll be honest with you, it's exciting," he added. "It's different from Doom, Quake and Wolfenstein. It has so much to offer: the vehicle combat, the weapons, the ammo types, the items, the story. It really is the best game."Part of id's polishing involves smoothing out the visuals in the console versions of the game, Willits added, but he's confident tech guru John Carmack can work it out in time for release."[Console is] different to PC in that most of the data is read from the disc; we have the texture page in the texture cache. At times you will see some stuff in the distance loading in... of course, John [Carmack] is working on getting that as final as possible."Rage is out on October 7.Buy Xbox World 360 online and have it delivered to your door.

Caesary Online Impressions - MORE MY LORDS


Absolutely! Aside from having an accessible ingame menu, the visuals in this game are heavily animated. I believe that eye candy serves as a high factor for modern browser games, as static pages are starting to get old. It wouldn't hurt to see windows zoom in and out whenever you click on them, as almost every browser game out there tend to look to have buildings that randomly appear after a series of building pictures. It's been a long time since Command & Conquer: Red Alert was released, and with all the new browser games lurking around, it feels kind of refreshing to see at least one that actually has a building animation, instead of a large progress bar. At least everything is moving here. I also like the way the interface updates itself regularly without having the player click refresh just to see how much money he or she has earned from that long downtime.。

By Kei Beneza (dividelife), OnRPG Journalist。

Combat is also another thing that I found enjoyable in Caesary, as it not only lets you wreak havoc on other players' towns; you can also aid other towns not only in decimating other empires but protecting their own as well. It would will be wise to learn everything before the seven-day grace period ends, as you will be vulnerable to enemy attacks once it does.。

Caesary Online is a browser based MMO strategy game set in a Roman-themed fantasy world. Here, players must expand their small towns, eventually creating an empire with an army fit for world domination. Once again, the innovative world of browser gaming came up with another well endowed female delicacy who will call you "My Lord" as you exercise your Lordship. Much like other browser based strategy games, players will go through a series of building and waiting. This mundane experience however will be much toleraterd since this browser game is well animated. This means that you'll see your workers constantly walking around your town, building and upgrading structures.。


-Really easy to learn
-Excellent tutorials
-Good animations
-Leagues and PVP。



Much like its browserbased kin, Caesary also has a premium subscription. While players can still enjoy playing the game for free, the premium option erases most of the waiting part in the game, which means that your neighboring town may kick your Caesarian arse to Jupiter's kingdom after your grace period ends. This makes the game extremely imbalanced, as premium subscribers can not only build faster than most people, they earn more through gold transactions as well. With that said, it's still a game worth playing, just make sure someone has your back when those power hungry subscribers decide to pay your little town a visit.。

-Not much different the rest (right my lord?)
-gets old after a few days
-Premium imbalance。


To be honest, Caesary isn't that different from games like Evony and World of Lordcraft. The tutorials are also quite newbie-friendly, meaning those who are new to the world of browser based strategy games are most likely to learn effectively. The game also rewards players for finishing the beginner quests, so it would probably be wise for you to finish these tasks regardless of whether you're new to the game or not. Aside from the traditional campaign questing, Caesary also has a series of daily quests which allows players to gain some extra gold while doing their mundane tasks.

Anarchy Online Review Customize Your Skills!

By: Vincent Haoson Anarchy Online is a 3d sci-fi game from Funcom, the company which brought to the MMO industry Age of Conan: the Hyborian Adventures. If you’re familiar to the sci-fi series Star Trek or with the Star War’s universe you’ve pegged the overall feel and look of Anarchy Online.  The game’s premise is that you are a newly arrived colonist of the planet Rubi-Ka. As a new colonist you are either given the choice of helping out with the taming on the land through various missions provided by the game’s NPCs or follow you own path. In Anarchy Online you get to choose from four different races namely the Solitus, which are the basic all-around race, the Opifex, which is your fast and agile race, the nanomage which is your Anarchy Online version of the typical intelligence inclined race and lastly the Atrox race which is your typical brute/tanker type race. The races are not gender locked except for the Atrox race. The three races have their female counterpart which makes the game more gender friendly. With the seemingly limited and generic characteristics of the races in Anarchy Online, the game makes up with a ton of job class choices that you can choose. Anarchy Online has 14 default jobs available to choose from and each class has its own special skills. You can either be a Metaphysicist, Adventurer, Engineer, Soldier, Keeper, Shade, Fixer, Agent, Trader, Doctor, Enforcer, Bureaucrat, Martial Artist or a Nanotechnician. All the jobs are available for any race except the Keeper and Shade wherein you need to be subscribed to the Shadowlands content. The vast amount of choices that you have in Anarchy Online is one of the plus factors the game has. Unlike most MMOs in the market where you are only limited to one-digit choices of job classes the game allows you to choose 14. This not only gives you more freedom and breathing space for customizing your characters, this adds the fun factor and the game re-playability because you can toy and experiment the mixes of race and jobs.Another big thing in Anarchy Online is that the stat and the skill allocation. Besides from the usual stats you can add your points to, you can also allocate to major skill categories which are namely, ability, melee, misc weapons, ranged, speed, trade and repair, nano and aiding, spying and lastly navigation.Allocating in each category has its own ups and downs. Your character’s effectiveness is dependent on where you allocate your points to. It seems daunting for newbies but the game system has an explanation for each stat you can allocate to. Or you can go with the suggested point distribution that is pre-determined by the game system. 
The vast choices in allocating the stats in Anarchy Online will either make you stay or move on with another MMO. True, the vast choices you have gives you more customizing choices than most MMOs. It can be very tiring and irritating if you are more a person who doesn’t like to make lots of choices. However, if you are more into stat allocations and character skill customization, this can really hook you into playing the game.
Anarchy Online’s uniqueness is not only anchored to its customization but the game also has one unique camera feature that other MMOs do not have. You have the choice to toggle the first person view, though this feature has yet to show any significant reason, it totally gives you a different perspective at least, on what your character sees.  ConclusionAnarchy Online may not be one of the most visually stunning games in the market. Plus add the fact that the game audio gets awfully repetitive when you play for hours on end. However graphics and sounds are not the things that make this game go toe-to-toe with other MMOs for nearly a decade in the industry. It’s the story and the content that keeps people stick to playing the game. The constantly changing and consistent increase in the overall content gives you more things to look forward to. Customization is also a plus factor because you are given enough space in customizing your in-game character except in the sprites as you are provided with a limited amount of choices on how you can make your character look different. Though the graphical limitations of Anarchy Online may be addressed now that Funcom is trying to upgrade the in-game engine and make the game more compatible with Direct X9. Though the engine design upgrade may help the game or not visually has yet to be seen it would definitely give the game a breath of fresh air. This idea of the graphics upgrade for the game may seem enticing but the fact remains that there are a lot of games available on the market that can go against the content value of the game but are visually superior and free.  The saving grace for the game though is that it has extended the free play feature till this year giving new players an opportunity to try and feel the game.  It is your decision if you’d like to shell out for the premium content. Though I must say that you can’t really judge Anarchy Online with the free content play, because most of the good stuff you can get from the game is found at the premium content. One content upgrade that you can look forward to in the premium content is that you can actually ride mechs to go against other players in pvp battles. For seasoned MMO players, Anarchy Online doesn’t have anything new to put into the sci-fi genre that other MMOs of the same type have not improved upon. Still the level of sci-fi experience Anarchy Online provides still has that certain sci-fi kick that some games of the same genre fail miserably to provide, that is why don’t eliminate Anarchy Online as a pooh-pooh game just because of its graphics and sounds. I suggest at least trying the game for the meantime and seeing if what they offer suits you just fine, if not then drop the game and look for something else. Pros
• Consistent updates and fixes
• Engaging storyline
• Character skill customization  Cons
• Game’s graphics engine is outdated
• The Game’s BGM can be repetitive
• The choices can be overwhelming for new players 


New Diablo 3 screens and artwork

Blizzard has launched a large batch of new Diablo 3 media, including screens from the beta and fresh artwork. If that's not enough for you, check out this newly released eight minute gameplay movie from the beta.Earlier this week Blizzard revealed that Diablo 3 will have a new auction house feature that will let player buy and sell items with real money, leaving CVG editor Tim Ingham feeling a little uneasy. Tom Ivan

Sony PS Vita to miss 2011 release in US and Europe

You heard it here first: Sony has confirmed a 2011 release date for PlayStation Vita in Japan, but the handheld won't hit Europe or the US until next year. Sony executive vice president Kaz Hirai announced the news today in Japan, according to the Associated Press.It's disappointing news for those outside of Japan, but we've heard US and European gamers won't have to wait too long for the portable's arrival. Sony had promised a "phased global rollout" starting later this year, and our sources indicate Vita will hit western markets in January or February. When it does launch in the UK, Vita will set you back £229 for the Wi-Fi model and £279 for the 3G version.If you can't wait until next year to get your hands on the device, Vita will be publicly available during the Tokyo Games Show this September. Or for the price of getting out to Japan, you could just import one - Vita is expected to be region free. Tom Ivan

EA boss 3D gaming 'hasn't caught on'

3D gaming hasn't caught on as EA once expected it might, and CEO John Riccitiello says the company plans to refocus investment on other areas. "We have not seen a big uptake [in 3D gaming]," he said during an annual shareholder meeting yesterday. "We have not seen a big uptake in 3D TVs in the home [either]."We are not here trying to drive a market. We are here to react to what customers want," he added, according to VentureBeat.EA now plans to focus its investment in growth areas like mobile, social and online gaming. "We see really high returns in these markets and very poor returns focusing on 3D, so we are allocating our resources toward new innovations," Riccitiello said. Earlier this month EA announced plans to acquire PopCap for at least $750 million.


Starquest Online Review Best Space Game with Worst Graphics

When it comes to Space role playing I have to admit, StarQuest Online is DEFINITELY the best space role playing game today. If you're looking for an awesome Star wars/Star Trek-like experience then I'd like to personally recommend this game to you. StarQuest is an MMORPG that's (you guessed it!) set in the dark corners of space. While the graphics are as BAD as a dried up wound, the game play stands out among its competitors. The characters really look like they're wearing Star Trek fleet uniforms, so it will probably have no problem of luring space fans onboard. 。There are over 100,000 different planets in Starquest online so there's no doubt that there's enough room for everyone (in case you are wondering how big the game is). You can make a colony in your respective planet and do business with the merchant fleet for more in game money. Business is normally the best way to earn; I guess it really does apply everywhere, even in games. You can also kill other players as a space pirate if you're too lazy to earn money the right way. Again, these features are essential for role playing and greatly compliment the Open PVP system.。The most amazing feature in StarQuest Online would have to be the storyline in general. You're basically given a scenario and it's up to everyone to make the story progress further. Since everyone has their own roles in the game, don't think that you yourself don't matter.  If I must sum it up: suppose a group of pirates hold a planet hostage. It's up to the Alliance to make sure everything goes well. This means that they'll need to either arrest or destroy the enemy to get the job done. If however, the pirates were too strong and managed to go through with a catastrophic plan to (let's say...) burn the Alliance fleet away, the deed will be listed down as one of the most diabolical schemes in the game's book of history. Neat huh? Rivalries between factions are likely to occur at any given time. War is no exception as well. The game literally projects the life of a space civilization and it definitely does not get any better than this.  It's not every day that we get to have a game that lets us mold the storyline like crazy, so make the best of it and do your part!。Remember what it was like to play space fleet with your friends? If ever, which part of the fleet were you? Now's the time to see how well you played your role for the game encourages players to man ships using their corresponding roles. Although you can fly a ship on your own, it's quite awesome to actually act out as your character during the midst of space exploration. The command center or cockpit does resemble the ones from Star Trek so you should have no problem geek-ing in with the others. If you were to ask me, this game was presented pretty well. If the graphics were better, I'd say this would be a perfect game.

-Graphics are totally bad
-I'd rather turn of the music (since it's the same thing over and over again).。Nothing in this world is perfect, and though this game has it going on, there will always be something to pull it down. Yes, the graphics are really terrible. PlayStation (I) games look a lot better than this game and I'm not even exaggerating. Almost everything is polygonal and some planets look like JPEG files scattered across the net. Everything is pretty much low res (low resolution) so it may look really dull and could even be dismissed as a really bad game in this era of gaming. 

。The game is really something! Customizable storyline, space battles, pirates, possibly everything a space fanatic would hope for. The graphics may disturb your rhythm since it's technically as bad as it gets. Characters don't have faces and would probably be comparable with the first SIMS game, only worse. The characters aren't rendered and would look like molded clay without even the slightest bit of detail. The ship's interior looks like an overstretched picture as well. Though graphics aren't the main focus of each game, it does act as the medium that hooks players into playing the game. They could've made it much better, considering the fact that first SIMS game is more than outdated by now.  The game is really role playing at its finest, with a book to mark each and every phenomenon in the game's timeline. Being able to be a part of a player based fleet is also a big plus since it allows players to immerse themselves in the game's scenario even further. The whole space wars thing never gets old, and if ever StarQuest is a vision of what the future may bring, damn it I can't wait any longer.。Much like any other MMO, you'll be purchasing items and upgrades to make your ship powerful. You can also get an engineer to make sure everything is in order. If you don't want to suck in battle, then it's probably a good idea to make sure that your ship is in tip top shape, don't you think?。
-Molded storyline
-Book of History
-Really addictive.。The ingame sounds are bad as well since it tends to repeat itself most of the time. This particular element may become rather annoying as you play through the game, though it's nothing your music player can't fix.。Your deeds are literally listed down in the page of history. The game records any in game phenomena caused by players (whether good or bad). Making a name for yourself wouldn't be a problem if your deeds are recorded in history, right? This is a very excellent feature and can do wonders for any role players out there.

。 By Kei Beneza (dividelife), Onrpg Journalist

Concerto Gate

Concerto Gate Questions from RPG Community..
Answered by: Chris Yamauchi, producer of Concerto Gate at gamescampus.com

Question: Why did they choose to publish Concerto Gate? What about it do they feel will make it popular / a success?

There were several factors that led us to choose Concerto Gate. But if we had to choose only a couple, we’d say it was because of the compelling storyline, the beautiful artwork in the game, and the unique gameplay. We believe it will be a popular title in North America for the same reasons.

Question: What have they done to combat the mmo phenomenon of 'grind'?

Well, technically grinding has been around since the early days of the video game RPG. However to help combat ‘grinding’, we have a myriad amount of quests for the user to help them level up.

Question: How much influence do you guys have on the development on Concerto Gate or do you guys just translate and publish in a new country?

We handle all aspects involving the community, localization, marketing, and maintenance of Concerto Gate in North America.

Question: Is there anything different about the turn-based combat in this game that will attract players who may not like this type of combat?

Traditionally, the turn-based combat system has always been a single player experience. However, by placing these in an MMO world and introducing the multi-player aspect, it really encourages you to work with other players in the game.

Question: Will this game have a rich storyline that you accually get involved in? a storyline similar to a single player game?

Yes, there is a big storyline that will be told throughout the game. Will it be similar to a single player game? Well, that’s for you to find out!

Question: Will there be crafting? If so what can you craft and how will you be able to do so?

You can choose to be an Armor Crafter, Weapons Maker, Cook, etc. In order to do so, you have to choose that field as your class.

Question: Will there be Major boss battles which require teamwork?

Yes, but not only during major boss battles. There are other places where team work and making friends are essential in Concerto Gate.

Question: Features!! We need cool features! What are some features for this game?

The character creation system is quite vast. So far, there are over 628 trillion different combinations you can make to the character. There’s also the unique turn-based battle system which you won’t find in other MMO games. However, the coolest feature about the game is the terra-forming system. Activities such as hunting, mining, and wood-chopping constantly make changes to the terrain!

Question: Will there be a cash shop or subscriptions for premium access?

There will be a Cash Shop where you can purchase premium items, but that will be after the Open Beta.

Question: What are the classes and abilities?

There are 15 different classes in Concerto Gate. There are Soldiers, Archers, Knights, Sorcerers, Clerics, Lumberjacks, Miners, Hunters, Identifiers, Chefs, Pharmacists, Weapons Craftsmen, Armor Craftsmen, Sealers, and Wanderers. Each have their own unique abilities and skills.

Question: Were there any funny moments that happened during publishing?

One of our GMs, Shannon Pratt, has gotten several marriage proposals from users after they discovered she was female.

Mercenary Wars Interview That Little Bit Extra


OnRPG: Is the game's armory all based on real-life weapons? Or would you include original weapons in the future? Why or why not?
Mike: Currently the weapons and armor are all based on real-life weapons.  We're planning on adding some "Fun" modes in the future that include some silly weapons, but they will only be useable in that mode.  But in general, the armory will be based on real-life.。

OnRPG: Can you tell us a little bit about Mercenary War's Stat system?
Mike: There are two different kinds of stats, General and Weapon.  General stats include things like grenade throw speed, walking speed, armor levels, etc.   Weapon stats allow you to specialize in either SMGs, Rifles, or Sniper Rifles.  In this way, players are able to create their own "class" without having to deal with pre-made characters.。

Mercenary Wars Interview: That Little Bit Extra
Questions by Vincent Haoson, OnRPG Journalist
Answered by ...Mike Min, Creative Director and Chris Keswani, Marketing Manager。

OnRPG: Can you set the difficulty of the AI? Why or why not?
Mike: Yep, there are 5 difficulty levels ranging from "Noob" to "OMG HAX".。

OnRPG: How long till you Mercenary Wars goes OBT? What exactly do you have planned?
Chris: We will be starting Open Beta on December 21st at 5PM PST.  The Open Beta will feature a more refined gaming experience for Mercenary Wars players.  We will be offering a slew of fun events which will give players the chance to win some great prizes.。




OnRPG: Wouldn't the stat system be a problematic factor for players in the long run especially for those who are loyal to the original concept of FPS games? Why do you think so?
Mike: One of our main concerns/issues that we want to deal with is ensuring a competitive gaming environment.  It is one of the core concepts of our game design, and even things like the Cash Shop will not include guns/armor so that the level between CS user and non-CS user is lessened.  If the players ever feel the stat system is a problem or issue, we will definitely address it.  But so far feedback into the stat system has been positive.。

OnRPG: Mercenary Wars includes a new system not yet used by any MMOFPS, the bot system, can you tell us how does the bot system work?
Mike: Bots can basically take the place of players in a match, and can be added by the Room Leader.  They are great for beginner's to practice with on the lowest difficulty setting, or can be set harder for vets to do some fine-tuning without affecting their Kill/Death ratio.  The bots  were really popular during the Beta Testing, and most of the rooms had at least 1 or 2 bots in them.。

He's a Dead Man


OnRPG: It has been weeks since the game went CBT, how has the game so far?
Chris: We are very pleased with the way things have gone both internally and also with the feedback that players have provided us with.  With graphics that are superior to other FPS games currently on the market, we are confident that once the game is opened up to the entire FPS (and Gamer) community it will be well-received. 。


OnRPG: What are the things in store for players with the remainder of 2009?
Chris: Well, given that the year is almost done with once we launch the Open Beta, I think we have covered everything more or less that players can expect during the next few weeks.  However, our development team and our marketing department are working feverishly on planning events and preparing additional elements to implement into the game in early Q1 of 2010.  I cannot talk about specifics at this point, but the new characters and maps to be added to the game is something that gamers can look forward to experiencing.。


OnRPG: How huge is Mercenary War's armory? How often do you update the weapons players can use on  the game?
Mike: We have 14 guns at the moment, and 2 sets of costumes for each of our 4 characters.  We're currently planning on having major content patches every 4 weeks, where we plan on adding new weapons and modes.。

OnRPG: MMOFPS is all about the player's skill and internet connection, why include stats into the game?
Mike: The stats were designed so that players could customize their character to suit their play style, but at the end of the day the more skilled players will always win.  We currently have 4 characters in the game (and plan on adding a lot more), and each character can be given different stats, and then switched while you are re-spawning during a match.  So if one character is a Rifle specialist, but you want to switch to a Sniper-like character, you can do so immediately after death. 。



OnRPG: How huge would the stats affect be in the player's character? Do you think it would affect the game balance? Why or why not?
Mike: The stats do not play that huge a role on the character.  You will not see some characters fly across the map, while others have 10,000HP or anything like that.  They are subtle tweaks, and just by watching a player you will not be able to tell what stats he has increased.  And all characters get the same number of stat points, so it is still an even playing field.。






The FPS genre is one of the genre's that finds itself in a rut in terms of innovation. It's a genre that sees itself repeating the same features over and over again. However, Mercenary Wars tries to do something different with its bot and stat system that puts a little "extra" into the game. OnRPG got a chance to talk to two people who have been working on this MMOFPS and here's what they have to say about the game.。


OnRPG: Is the bot system limited to work on specific maps or match types or is it available all throughout the game?
Mike: We must create AI scripts for each of the maps, which takes some time.  Currently Bots can be used on 4 different maps, and 2 different modes (Free-For-All and DeathMatch).  We're currently working on making them compatible with the other modes as well.。

Your Enemy Shows His Face

OnRPG: What bug problems were experienced during the first few weeks of the game's Closed Beta? How did you address those problems?
Mike: The major hurdle we faced was lag.  We improved on it for each Closed Beta, and during the final test we were able to create a lag free experience.  We would really like to thank our players in helping us find the cause of this issue, and were a great help during the whole process.。



Chris: We have a very experienced team that is meticulous about compiling all of the bugs that were found during all of the closed betas and working hand-in-hand with the developers to correct these issues. 。



Throw a Grenade

OnRPG: Thank you for your time!
Chris: Thank you for taking the time to speak with us Vincent.  We look forward to getting the chance to tell your community about our upcoming release.  。

OnRPG: Why is it that Mercenary Wars has gone through three closed betas? Would there be a fourth?
Chris: The reason we had three closed betas was so that we could continuously refine various aspects of the game.  There will not be a fourth closed beta because we feel that we are ready to open up Mercenary Wars to the general gaming community.  The Open Beta for Mercenary Wars will begin on December 22nd and we are working around the clock setting up in order to ensure that our gamers will have an amazing experience.



Rihanna partied her FACE OFF in Barbados ... while remaining half-naked the whole time. Warning: the following images are titillating and depressing -- because you're not there.Check out TMZ on TV -- click here to see your local listings!

GB Packers Stud Gets Super Bowl Ring TATTOO

Most NFL champs rock their Super Bowl ring on their hand -- Green Bay Packers cornerback Sam Shields is wearing his on his NECK. The 23-year-old defensive stud -- who was a rookie when the Packers won the Super Bowl this year -- rolled into the Ultimate Designz tattoo shop in Miami last week ... and pitched his ink idea to tattoo artist Sergio Garcia. He even brought in the ACTUAL ring for Sergio to study. Sergio tells us it took about 3 hours to draw out the design of the tat (pictured above) -- and a little more than 2 hours to ink it onto Sam. We're told Shields was a "really nice guy" throughout the whole process -- and even left a fat tip. Fun Fact: Sam's actual Super Bowl ring has 109 diamonds in it, but his tattoo ONLY has 60 pictured ... because we're told putting that many small diamonds in the tattoo would have been "impossible."

Auto Legend Carroll Shelby ACCUSED OF SEXUAL ASSAULT

Automotive legend Carroll Shelby -- the guy who designed the Ford Mustang Cobra -- has been sued by a former receptionist who claims the 88-year-old sexually assaulted her ... and also ignored her complaints when she told him she was raped by one of his employees. According to the lawsuit, filed today in L.A. County Superior Court, Angelica Smith claims she began working for Shelby back in 2005 as a receptionist ... but was treated as a "personal servant" ... with Shelby often forcing her to go out on "grocery runs, liquor runs, pornography runs."In the docs, Smith claims Shelby ran a "pervasively hostile work environment" ... and "on at least one occasion, Shelby himself sexually battered [Smith] by groping her" at his home.Smith claims things got worse in December 2010, alleging she was drugged and raped at Shelby's home by a man who worked for Shelby.Smith claims she reported the incident to Shelby himself -- but he "did not take any corrective action."Instead, Smith claims, she was fired -- partly out of retaliation for reporting the rape to Shelby. Smith is suing Shelby, Shelby's companies and the alleged rapist -- and she wants more than $5 million in damages.TMZ reached out to Shelby's lawyer -- so far, no response.


Arnold and Maria -- It Doesn't Make Sense!

There is a connection between the divorce of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver, and the statement Arnold and Maria gave TMZ regarding the injury of their son -- and it just doesn't add up.Their statement regarding Christopher's injuries presents what appears to be a united front -- Arnold and Maria side by side. But just days earlier -- while Maria was bedside with Christopher in ICU -- Arnold's lawyer filed a response to Maria's divorce petition that borders on insulting and cruel.As TMZ first reported, Arnold is asking the judge to shut down Maria's request for spousal support. Even worse, he's asking the judge to order Maria to pay her own lawyer's fees -- in a divorce triggered by Arnold's misdeeds.Sources connected with the couple tell us, Arnold's legal docs have been hurtful to Maria -- and that's an understatement.If we may offer an opinion ... it's hard to believe Arnold is so callous that he would challenge Maria at a time when she is emotionally distraught over her son.The more likely scenario is that Arnold's lawyer went off on his own, checked the boxes he normally checks on the divorce docs, and simply filed them.The question -- will Arnold order his lawyer to amend his response, so he is not challenging Maria's right to support or attorney's fees? Stay tuned ...

Zac Efron -- Hangin' with Nickelodeon Star During DUI

7/8/2011 2:20 PM PDTby TMZ Staff A concerned Zac Efron was videotaped anxiously talking on his cell phone as his friend Ryan Rottman was being arrested for DUI last night ... and Bruce Willis' daughter was there too! The new footage was posted on PopCandiesTV -- showing Zac (in a plaid shirt) pacing around Dillon's Irish Pub while LAPD officers spoke with Rottman (in the DARK blue shirt). Rottman can be seen taking a field sobriety test around 2:00 into the video. Rumor Willis appears at the end of the clip -- and can be seen driving Zac Efron away from the scene.  As TMZ first reported ... Rottman -- star of Nickelodeon's "Gigantic" -- was originally pulled over in Hollywood after his car jumped the curb. Cops detected alcohol -- and a breathalyzer showed his blood alcohol level was more than twice the legal limit. He was taken to jail, booked and released a few hours later without having to post bail.

NBA Star Shawn MarionTURNS DOWN Dancing with the Stars

Dallas Mavericks star Shawn Marion isn't taking any chances with the NBA lockout -- in fact, he just turned down "Dancing with the Stars" ... to make sure he's free to practice with his team this fall.Sources close to Shawn tell TMZ, "Dancing" sent him an official offer to appear on the show, but the NBA champ wants to make sure he's 100% available in case the lockout ends early ... so it's a no go."Dancing" would end in November and NBA season usually starts in October -- which could put Marion in a difficult position if the upcoming season isn't put on ice.We're told Shawn is adamant ... he just doesn't wanna be caught with his pants down -- or in this case, his leotard.


Retired Denver Bronco Donating Brain to Science

Former Denver Broncos all-star Larry Kaminski -- one of 75 NFL vets suing the league for allegedly covering up info about the effects of concussions -- is donating his brain to a medical research program in Boston ... a family member tells TMZ. Kaminski -- who was the starting center for the Broncos from 1966 to 1973 -- suffers from severe depression ... which doctors say was caused by concussions Larry sustained during his career. Now, we're told 66-year-old Larry has pledged to donate his brain to the Boston University School of Medicine Center for the Study of Traumatic Encephalopathy ... in the hopes of helping future football players learn about the long term affects of concussions. Larry will join a long line of NFL greats who have pledged to donate their brains to the B.U. program -- including Zach Thomas, Mike Haynes and Kyle Turley.  As for the lawsuit, TMZ broke the story ... Kaminski and his fellow plaintiffs believe the NFL intentionally concealed information about the effects of game-related concussions for 90 years.

Donald Sutherland Crash -- Only Half to Blame

7/3/2011 12:20 AM PDTby TMZ Staff Donald Sutherland isn't completely to blame for his car vs. bicyclist collision last month --  law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... the bike rider was ALSO in the wrong. As TMZ first reported, Sutherland struck the woman at a VERY low speed while pulling out of an alley in Santa Monica on June 24. Paramedics raced to the scene ... and treated the woman for minor injuries. Officials launched an investigation into the incident ... and determined both sides screwed up.  Authorities believe Sutherland, who told cops he was driving somewhere in the neighborhood of 1 to 2 miles per hour, should have hit the brakes sooner. And the biker is taking blame for riding on the sidewalk ... instead of peddling in the street. A big no-no. Your move insurance companies.

Brooke Mueller Pipe Down, It Was Only Pot!

7/13/2011 9:46 AM PDTby TMZ Staff Brooke Mueller is telling friends ... the pictures TMZ posted showing her carrying what looked like a crack pipe are misleading ... because the only thing she was smoking was marijuana.Brooke is saying she doesn't use the pipe to smoke cocaine -- she claims it was only pot and it's perfectly legal, because she has a marijuana prescription for anxiety.But Mueller admits she's been on and off cocaine, telling friends, every few months she falls off the wagon and uses cocaine -- not crack -- but she also insists she hasn't been using for months.Brooke says when she binges it usually lasts only around 12 hours, and then she snaps back into reality -- sometimes with the help of a little rehab.And finally ... Brooke says there's no need for the L.A. County Department of Children and Family Services to get involved in her life, because she's an involved parent and her kids are fine.


Charlie Sheen Tour -- Secret Weapon Delivers

4/5/2011 4:02 AM PDTby TMZ Staff When the first night of Charlie Sheen's tour bombed ... our not-so top secret spy -- code name "Gassy" -- got the scoop. This is his story and, no ... we're not kidding about his code name.  Check out TMZ on TV -- click here to see your local listings!

Adrien Brody -- Undercover Clunker

6/28/2011 8:30 AM PDTby TMZ Staff Just last year, Adrien Brody was driving around NYC in a jet black $200,000 Ferrari ... but yesterday, the Oscar winner rolled into JFK in something a little less flashy ... a 1987 Chrysler Conquest. Brody -- clearly going for the incognito look -- was dropping off a super-hot mystery blonde at the airport ... when our photog noticed the actor behind the wheel. A rep for Kelley Blue Book tells TMZ, Brody's beater is valued at a measly $2,125 ... and that's if it's in good condition.

Weston My Wife Is PREGGO and I Want a DIVORCE!!

7/6/2011 7:30 AM PDTby TMZ Staff Weston Cage made two MAJOR announcements this morning -- 1) he claims his wife Nikki Williams is pregnant with his child ... and 2) he's filing for divorce. Cage -- who has only been married since April -- went to his Facebook page to break the news ... saying, "Made my choice. getting divorced."As for the whole pregnancy thing, Weston believes the news only SUPPORTS his claim that he never laid a hand on Nikki before the two were both arrested for domestic violence this weekend. Cage wrote, "Never hit my wife. why would i start abusing after she was positive after taking a pregnant-c test."Weston added a bizarre, cryptic message -- "Have fun killing my child Breyan Prescott."

Rihanna Concert Ends Early When Fire Breaks Out

7/9/2011 9:35 AM PDTby TMZ Staff Rihanna's concert in Dallas last night was forced to end early last night after the a fire broke in the lighting area above the stage. The American Airlines Center had to be evacuated, which didn't sit well with fans since RiRi was reportedly an hour late going on. Adding to the disappointment, Rihanna's 2010 concert in Dallas was canceled as well, for unspecified reasons. Rihanna tweeted about the incident afterward, vowing to return to Dallas in the future.


Casey Anthony -- Free on Wednesday

7/7/2011 8:48 AM PDTby TMZ Staff Casey Anthony will be released from jail on Wed. July 13 ... this according to a court spokesperson. Story developing ...

'Thor' Star -- Shirtless God

6/6/2011 6:05 AM PDTbyJohnny Lopez "Thor" hunk Chris Hemsworth showed off his buff and hairless superhero muscles before heading off to surf in Newport Beach on Sunday.When the 27-year-old hits the water it's a very ripped tide.

'Repo Games' Winners -- 'He Just Started Shooting'



Bravo to Porn Site -- Stop Pimping 'Real Housewives'!!!

5/29/2011 12:30 AM PDTby TMZ Staff Bravo is on the rampage ... after the network discovered a XXX website using the "Real Housewives" good name to promote its sex performers -- and now, they're gunning to shut the whole site down.A rep for the reality network fired off a letter on Monday to RealHousewivesofScottsdale.com -- a site that boasts live XXX performances from several "housewives" -- and accused the site of sullying the "Real Housewives" reputation.Bravo claims RHOS is infringing on their trademark -- insisting site operators better pull the plug on the entire operation stat ... or else.But the site owner ain't scared -- telling us, he's not pulling the plug on anything ... and he's willing to go to court over it.

Skimboard Champ FLIPS OUT I'm a Real Estate Agent!

6/2/2011 2:00 PM PDTby TMZ Staff They call it "pro" skimboarding ... but 3-time world champ Paulo Prietto tells TMZ, he had to take up REAL ESTATE just to pay the bills -- and he STILL pulled some insane moves on the beach yesterday. BTW ... Hollywood Jesus is Paulo's homie.

'Two and a Half Men' Star -- Jonesing for a Ticket

2/10/2011 4:15 PM PSTby TMZ Staff "Two and a Half Men" star Angus T. Jones gave Maria Shriver a run for her money yesterday -- by not only parking in a red zone ... but also blocking one of the oldest-looking fire hydrants in all of L.A.Fortunately for the super rich 17-year-old ... he got outta there before cops took notice.Scofflaw!!!


Jesse James Pays Up After Bloody Dog Attack

6/8/2011 12:40 AM PDTby TMZ Staff A pitbull belonging to Jesse James escaped from the reality star's Texas bike shop this weekend andattacked another dog being walked in the area -- nearly killing the innocent animal ... TMZ has learned. TMZ spoke with a rep from Animal Control in Austin, TX -- who confirms cops were dispatched to the scene after Jesse's dog -- not Cinnabun -- went after a corgi named Buckley and chomped down on his neck.  We're told the person walking Buckley freaked out -- and began punching the pit bull in the face because it wouldn't let go of the corgi. Eventually, cops arrived to the scene and freed Buckley -- who was rushed to a nearby vet for emergency care. Buckley had to be sedated and stitched up -- and doctors inserted a drainage tube into his neck to prevent infection. After the incident, Buckley's owner got in touch with Jesse's assistant -- who eventually forked over $250 to cover the vet bill. We're told Jesse has also promised to cover any additional medical expenses.

Florence Henderson -- Mrs. Brady's Crabs Defense

6/29/2011 12:02 AM PDTby TMZ Staff Florence Henderson from "The Brady Bunch" tells us there's more to her story about getting crabs from a former NYC mayor -- and we say ... Mrs. Brady's been a bad, bad girl. Check out TMZ on TV -- click here to see your local listings!

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