Bethesda Softworks game director Todd Howard has revealed that he's keen for the industry to adopt a one console as standard. Speaking to PSM3, Howard - also executive producer on The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - was asked which one thing he would change about working in the games market. He responded by saying he feels it takes a lot of effort to create a game for multiple platforms and would like to see games follow the same path of DVDs and Blu-rays."I'd like there to be only one platform. It's a lot of work to make the games look good on every platform you're on," said Howard."I often equate it to DVD or Blu-Rays. Once I've bought a DVD I can use it in my TV, in my computer, in my car, here, whatever. And I think it would be good for gaming if it was like that," he added.The 'One-console future', as it has come to be known, was famously put forward by Silicon Knights founder Dennis Dyack, who said it would be a "massive paradigm shift" that would lead to games becoming "better in quality, cheaper, and more widely available".However, while Dyack said it is an inevitability, Howard acknowledges it isn't necessarily a realistic future."They spend billions of dollars selling consoles at a loss for years, but then make the money back with games," he commented. "It's not like the industry is hurting, we're doing really well. But if I had one wish, you know, we would have better games for a single platform."Former SCEE president David Reeves told CVG last year that he could envisage a future in which Sony and Microsoft joined forces to create a single machine. Tamoor Hussain
PSN to be Fully Restored by the End of
Sony just sent out a quick update letting customers know that "all PlayStation Network services" should be back up and running by the end of today, June 2. That's for everywhere except Japan, Hong Kong and Korea, that is. [Sony]
Star Fox 64 3D TV ad shows multiplayer
Nintendo is cranking up the hype train as Star Fox 64 3D's September 9 release approaches, and here's the TV ad you'll be seeing on the box before long. It focuses on the multiplayer mode although it's single-player quest that we really can't wait for. It also makes us wonder what value is in the face feature cam when the guys you're playing are sitting a few feet away from you and can do their gloating in high detail at more than two frames per second. Get loads more footage in this five-minute gameplay video. Mike Jackson
Halo 4's Master Chief in high-res art
Here's a nice high-resolution piece of 'teaser art' of Master Chief as he will look in 343 Industries' Halo 4. It was actually much bigger than this, but we had to crunch down its immense resolution to a size more suitable for the internet than a banner for the side of the Empire State building. Halo 4 will, in case you missed the news, be the first game in the main series NOT made by Bungie, instead being handled by Microsoft studio 343 Industries. That studio talked of the pressures of gamers' expectations in this recent developer diary. Mike Jackson
Bethesda vs Notch Publisher makes legal
Bethesda has allegedly sent Minecraft creator Markus 'Notch' Persson a legal note claiming that the name of his new game infringes on its trademark. The Nordic developer wrote on Twitter moments ago: "Just got a letter from Bethesta's [sic] lawyers. They claim "Scrolls" infringes on their trademark and everyone will confuse it with Skyrim."[Update: Notch has added: "I still CVG Staff
Need For Speed The Run Limited Edition D
Need For Speed: The RunNews (4)Previews (3)ReviewVideos (9)Screenshots (19)Cheats and WalkthroughsNeed For Speed: The RunNews (4)Previews (3)ReviewVideos (10)Screenshots (19)Cheats and WalkthroughsNeed For Speed: The RunNews (4)Previews (1)ReviewVideos (9)Screenshots (19)Cheats and WalkthroughsNeed For Speed: The RunNews (4)Previews (3)ReviewVideos (7)Screenshots (5)Cheats and Walkthroughs Need For Speed: The Run will have everything connoisseurs of racing games demand. That is, unless you demand the world's most elite cars, you're going to have to splurge and buy Need For Speed: The Run Limited Edition for those. Need For Speed: The Run Limited Edition Trailer » NFS: The Run Limited Edition will come with the finest advancements in automobile technology with cars like the Lamborghini Aventador, Chevrolet Camaro ZL1 and the Porsche 911 Carrera S. Your sweet new rides will be exactly what you need to race from San Fransisco to New York. $25 million dollars are at stake after all.Need For Speed: The Run, both standard and Limited Edition, are available now for pre-order. NFS: The Run will be released on November 15, 2011.
Aliens Colonial Marines gameplay video h
Gearbox has released a short but oh so sweet gameplay trailer showing off some action from Aliens: Colonial Marines.Showing off a few marines coming up against the famous space monsters aboard the USS Sephora, this particular slice of gameplay was also used in the screenshots released during GamesCom last week. Check it out: Watch in HD 4 comments Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford said earlier this month that the game will be "very accessible". Tamoor Hussain
Black Ops Rezurrection DLC out now
Rezurrection, the new Zombies-focused Call of Duty: Black Ops map pack, is now available to download from the Xbox Live Marketplace. Announced earlier this month and due for release on PS3 and PC at a later date, the DLC features five Zombies levels. Four are remastered versions of CoD: World at War maps Nacht der Untoten, Verruckt, Shi No Numa and Der Riese, while the fifth is the all-new Moon.It'll cost 1200 MS Points (£10.28), but will be free to Black Ops Hardened and Prestige owners, "as a thank-you to the hardcore fans for their support from the start". You should be able to go into your download history and re-download the classic pack you already own, and the fresh download will include the new Moon map.There are some new screens of the DLC on this page, and you can check out a Rezurrection video preview here.Mark Lamia, studio head at developer Treyarch, said of the DLC: "Our Zombies fans are so incredibly engaged with us in the ongoing development of the franchise, and we're excited to deliver them our first all-Zombies content package. Rezurrection is Zombies nirvana, with four of our best Zombies experiences, topped off with the awesome, all-new level Moon." Tom Ivan
Video What's the best MMO game of the ye
Have you voted in the GamesMaster Golden Joysticks 2011 yet?The Joysticks is the only annual UK awards that is voted for by gamers - the people who go out and buy the games. With that in mind, check out the nominees in the Best MMO category below... and then go forth and elect your favourite over on the official Golden Joysticks site.And while you're at it, why not have a gander at the GJ Facebook and Twitter pages?This year's event will take place on October 21st at the Westminster Bridge Park Plaza. Watch in HD No comments yet, be the first! CVG Staff
Halo 4 trailer teases concept art
343 Industries showed PAX attendees this weekend a new video for Halo 4 showing off some of the game's concept art and here it is below. 343 said: "This video is a cool little thing our video and audio team at 343 Industries threw together to give you a glimpse into some of Halo 4's concept art, atmosphere and aesthetic ideas."It added: "Although you shouldn't get too attached to any of the specific ideas or scenarios in here, it does represent some of our early, current and ongoing artistic effort."Halo fans interested in seeing what the Warthog will look like in Halo 4 will be able to get their eyes on it in Forza Motorsport 4's Autovista mode. Mike Jackson
Burnout Crash Video Features David Hassel
When B-list actors like David Hasselhoff appear in a video game trailer, I feel a sacred obligation to present them to you. The trailer in question is the new video forBurnout Crash! and features ex-Baywatch head lifeguard Hasselhoff wearing a chicken suit and playing Burnout Crash! on a Kinect. You don't see that everyday...unless you do the wrong drugs. Burnout Crash! "Chicken David Hasselhoff" Kinect Trailer »
New Ninja Gaiden 3 shots battle cloaked g
We've got a bunch of new screenshots of Ninja Gaiden 3. These have come fresh from the latest update to the official Japanese website. You may recognise a couple of them from previous media releases. Rather than whip them out we'll just give you the lot. Team Ninja head Yosuke Hayashi has said recently that the developer will look at the prospect of doing a Ninja Gaiden game on Vita after work on NG3 is complete. Mike Jackson