
Jail Time? So What! Lindsay Lohan's Brand Has Nowhere to Go But Up

Another stint in jail won't help or hurt Lindsay Lohan's brand. TERA Gold Her marketability with consumers is already so poor that even more time behind bars can hurt her more than she has already hurt herself.

"I don't think going to jail or not matters to a brand anymore with Lindsay. Any brand that was going to touch her with all of her troubles was/is going to do so regardless of whether she spends time in jail. For the most part, I think it's safe to say most brands aren't going to get close to her as there's just been too much negativity surrounding everything she does," says marketing executive Matt Delzell of the Marketing Arm. RIFT Platinum Delzell's job is to pair brands with celebrities for endorsement and licensing deals and he doesn't see much activity in that arena in Lohan's future.

On Friday, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Stephanie Sautner found Lohan in violation of probation and sentenced her to the jail time and 480 hours of community service.

In light of the latest speed bump for Lindsay, Delzell believes it is time for La Lohan to take seriously the three factors that will help her rebuild her brand.

1) Make a sincere, public apology
2) Keep your nose clean and stay out of the media spotlight for a while. Time will be on your side.
3) Have a successful project, a movie or even some charity work. Something!

Even when all three of these are checked off (and make note that none of them has been accomplished yet), rift gold it could be a case of too little, too late.

"Her brand is already tarnished and she keeps getting herself into the same messes so that it gets tarnished even more," explains Nelson Gayton, RIFT Platinum Executive Director and senior lecturer at the Center for Managing Enterprises in Media, Entertainment, and Sports at UCLA's Anderson School of Management. "She has a persona these days, but that isn't necessarily a brand."

Gayton believes that right now Lohan only brings value to a project as a star of 'Celebrity Rehab' or in a cameo in 'The Hangover the nth.' But maybe if she can complete the triumvirate of redemption above she will have a shot.

"I wouldn't say her brand is sufficiently kaput that she can't do anything about it.
Rift Gold Look at the chances the public gave Robert Downey Jr., and he's won his way with the public again," Gayton said, adding the caveat, "He is an amazing talent though, does that hold true for Lindsay? Can she get her act in order and disprove perception of her as problematic.?"

