Epic Games develops cutting-edge games and cross-platform game engine technology. The company has created multiple million-selling, award-winning titles
Gears of War 3 'Season Pass' revealed
Microsoft has revealed a way for you to purchase DLC for Gears of War 3 that you've not seen yet. The 'Season Pass' is a 2400 MS Point (£20, $30) purchase that gets you four DLC packs that Epic will release for the game over the course of the next year. Those willing to pay actual money for products not even made yet will get an exclusive Liquid Metal Weapon set for their madness, and will in the long run will apparently pay 33 per cent less than someone who buys all the same DLC AFTER they've seen it and made the choice to pay for it separately. Sure, if you're mad for Gears of War and will inevitably take anything and everything Epic throws at you then it makes perfect sense. The Season Pass will be purchasable from launch on September 20. Microsoft says the first of the four DLC packs will be out in November. Mike Jackson