Another mysterious disappearance has occurred as Dragon Age 2 becomes the latest EA title to be pulled from Steam without any official reason from either party. The first incident of thrmtind happened back in June when Crysis 2 vanished from the Valve digital distribution platform without a trace.The title is, of course, available on EA's young download platform Origin. It's also available on other download services such as Direct2Drive, as is Crysis 2.There's speculation that the Dragon Age 2 pull is to do with the fact that the game's latest DLC is being made available through an in-game store rather than directly on Steam.That was the reason why Crysis 2 was pulled from Steam according EA's David DeMartini who clarified that it was Steam's decision to remove the game, not EA's.He said that while EA remains open to any platform selling its games, recent business decisions had raised "areas of conflict between [EA and Steam] on a going forward basis."