
Retailers knock almost 50% off Xperia Pla

Sony Ericsson's Xperia Play has seen a dramatic price drop at UK retailers, with some online outlets offering the gaming smartphone at almost half it regular price. Expansys has made the biggest reduction, bringing the PlayStation phone down in price from the standard £500 to &prmto289. Meanwhile Play is offering the device at £299.The price cuts on the Sony Ericsson phone follow a dramatic reduction announcement for the 3DS last week, which is set to have its RRP slashed by a third later this month.Sony chairman Kazuo Hirai signalled yesterday that Sony won't engage in a price war with the 3DS, and the company's rival handheld PlayStation Vita looks set to launch at £229 (with 3G models going for £279).Hirai's comments have led to claims from Japan-based analysts that the platform holder risks "major failure". Andy Robinson


