
How To Be A Video Game Sound Designer

Want to be a video game sound designer? These people are responsible for putting together the sounds of the games that you love to play. Imagine Gears of War without the iconic stutter of the Lancer, or Splinter Cell without Sam Fisher's night vision startup sound. Find out what it takes to get into this side of the video game industry. Will Work For Games: Sound Designer » Matt Harwood, who was audio director at Kaos Studios when this was shot, tells you what it takes to get a job as a sound designer. There are a lot of hours and hard work required to create sound design for video games, but it can be a very rewarding career if you're looking for a unique way into the business.Keep your browser tuned to G4 all week as we keep bringing you G4 University, and at the end of the week we'll have a guide for you that rounds up all of the information, and gives you the perfect places to start looking, along with some helpful tips.

