Nintendo plans to introduce paid downloadable content for 3DS and Wii U games, CEO Satoru Iwata has told investors. During a Q&A session at Nintendo's Tokyo earnings briefing on Friday, the exec said a paid item transaction system would be made available for 3DS before the end of 2011.Iwata said he and design lead Shigeru Miyamoto are interested in the possibility of extending the life of games by introducing new levels and other features players want, but that Nintendo will likely be pretty selective in its use of the system, Andriasang reports.He said that low quality DLC - things like unlocking keys or stat increases - would not allow Nintendo to build a long-term relationship with customers, even if it might make short-term profit.Nintendo is to offer early 3DS adopters 20 free downloadable games after announcing last week that it's to slash almost a third off the handheld's price this month after less than half a year on sale.